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About Our Landscaping Company in Arizona

Landpros Landscape Concepts and Designs exists to serve the landscaping needs of home and business owners throughout Metro Phoenix and Valleywide. We offer a plethora of landscaping services and tailor our service based on your unique needs. If you are ready to add new features to your outdoor space, we’re the team to call! We can make your outdoor area more functional and beautiful. Living in Arizona means being able to spend plenty of time outdoors, so why not make the most of your space? Allow our landscaping designers and installers to put in the hard work so you can sit back and enjoy the benefits. Find out more about us and what we do, and then get in touch with us to schedule service or request an estimate.

front yard

What Makes Us Unique

LandPros Landscape Management LLC is a landscape and design company that brings you quality work using quality materials. With 30 years of combined landscape experience, Ladd and Chris have done it all. They are no strangers to hard work. As firefighters, they are goal-oriented and results-driven. They strive for excellence in all they do and never settle for mediocrity. They won’t cut corners and always stand by their work. That makes them the right team to handle all your landscaping needs.

Our Landscaping Services

At Landpros Landscape Concepts and Designs, there’s no landscaping job we can’t do.


Our team can install new landscaping or handle your remodel. We can tackle irrigation, rocks, grass, lighting, artificial turf, pavers, pergolas, and putting greens.

Paver Installation

Our team will prepare, excavate, install the base and restraints, screen the bedding sand, layer and cut the pavers.

Outdoor Kitchens

We can install or remodel an outdoor kitchen, including outdoor BBQs and fireplaces.


Add some shade to the outside of your home or business with a beautiful and functional pergola. We can build and install the perfect pergolas for your outdoor area.

Pool Decking

Our team installs and remodels pool decks. Choose from cool decks, concrete decks, stamped concrete, and more.

Synthetic Grass

If it’s time for an upgrade to your lawn, consider synthetic grass. There’s no mowing and very little maintenance required for this beautiful option.