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Full Service Landscape Concepts & Designs
Residential & Commercial

Backyard Patio Pavers by LandPros Landscape Management, LLC

Choosing Patio Pavers for Your Landscape in Arizona

Using stone pavers to create a backyard patio is becoming a more and more popular way to provide a beautiful, low maintenance oasis in your outdoor space. There are so many options for pavers that allow you to create the perfect space that meets your design needs and your budget. Whether you are looking for backyard, front yard, or walkway patio pavers, the experts at LandPros Landscape Management, LLC can present you will all of the options you need to design your ideal space to meet all of your wants and needs.

Contractors for Paver Installation in Metro Phoenix and Valleywide

Why Use Patio Pavers for Your Backyard Patio

Stone pavers are a natural looking option for landscaping that will be not only aesthetically pleasing but durable. Stone pavers are a top choice for a number of reasons.

  • Durability – Unlike concrete or asphalt, pavers can withstand a lot of pressure without breaking or cracking.
  • Aesthetics – Stone pavers blend in seamlessly with your natural surroundings and other features in your landscaping design.
  • Ease of Installation – Stone pavers are easy to install and maintain.

Our design experts can help you find the right pavers for your landscaping project. We will work with you every step of the way to bring you a backyard you love.

Backyard Paver Patio Installation

Pavers for your backyard patio come in a variety of styles, and installation can be done in many ways that offer many options for the design of your outdoor space. Paver options for your driveway, walkway, backyard patio, or pool can include:

  • Brick pavers
  • Concrete pavers
  • Travertine pavers
  • Porcelain pavers
  • Stone & slate pavers

Each option has color and installation options that will meet both your budget and design needs. Paver patterns, colors, and stone type are all considerations that our team at LandPros Landscape Management can help you with to decide on the best materials for your paver patio backyard.

The Benefits of Pavers in Landscaping

Installing pavers for backyard patio use has many benefits. Once your installation is complete, you will not only love the look of your space, but you will experience the additional benefits of a backyard paver patio.

  • Cooler surfaces – In the Arizona heat, it is comforting to know that some stone pavers have finishes that provide cooler surfaces. These are popular for use around pools.
  • Cost effective – While some pavers vary in price, there are cost effective options for creating a concrete paver backyard.
  • Low maintenance – Paver patio backyards are relatively low maintenance and can save costs in cleaning and upkeep.
  • Durability – Pavers are remarkably durable, and are made to withstand the test of time.
  • Interchangeable – In the unlikely event that damage occurs to one of your pavers due to a crack or break, replacing it without much damage to the rest of the patio is a relatively minor repair.
  • Always in fashion – Pavers for backyard patios are not a fashion trend, and they never go out of style.

Designing a backyard paver patio provides so many options and has so many benefits, and we know we can help you create a backyard that you will enjoy for many years.

Contact LandPros Landscape Management

If you are ready to begin your paver patio design, contact us today. We service the Phoenix Metro and Valleywide areas and are ready to help you design the oasis of your dreams.