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Full Service Landscape Concepts & Designs
Residential & Commercial

Outdoor Kitchens in Arizona

If you live in Metro Phoenix and Valleywide, or the surrounding cities, you know how appealing it can be to dine outdoors. Landpros Landscape Concepts and Designs wants to help you do so at home, with our outdoor kitchen installation services. Arizona is a great place to entertain family and friends, but you need the proper space and equipment to enjoy your outdoor space. Pool parties are the norm, but they aren’t the same without doing some grilling or barbecuing. Fireplaces can also help you enjoy your outdoor kitchen during the cooler months. Our team can help build or remodel your outdoor kitchen. Learn more and get in touch with us to get your estimate for service.

Outdoor Kitchens Design in Metro Phoenix and Valleywide

Choose Your Dream Outdoor Kitchen

Transform the look and feel of your backyard by adding a kitchen that’s practical and functional. A custom outdoor kitchen will make your home much more enjoyable today and increase its resale value in the future. Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling, you can count on the team at Landpros Landscape Concepts and Designs to create your ideal outdoor kitchen. We offer comprehensive landscaping services for home and business owners and can also install pergolas, pavers, and more. When it comes to landscaping, there’s nothing we can’t do.

Outdoor Kitchen Options

Outdoor BBQs

This feature is a must-have for outdoor kitchens in the Metro Phoenix area. A custom BBQ unit is much more durable than a pre-fabricated BBQ and comes with all the features you want while matching the aesthetic you’re going for.

Fire pits

Everyone knows that Arizona is known for its brutal heat in the summer months. But during the fall, winter and spring months, making these seasons the most ideal parts of the year. This allows our customers to enjoy their outdoor fireplaces and firepits for three seasons. Any of our customers will tell you it’s the best part of their design and keeps them outdoors to enjoy their entire outdoor environment.


A custom fireplace can turn your backyard into the perfect hangout spot. Fireplaces are great for entertaining or enjoying the beautiful weather with your household. Our team can build a custom fireplace based on your space and preferences.

Pizza Oven

We use an authentic Chicago Style Brick Oven for our Pizza Ovens. As a full service outdoor construction company, outdoor kitchens and pizza ovens are in high demand because of the functionality it adds to the design of a great outdoor kitchen. We surround the oven with brick or stucco for that authentic Old World touch and allows everyone to join in on the cooking process.