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Full Service Landscape Concepts & Designs
Residential & Commercial

Your Go-To Pool Building Experts

LandPros Landscape Management LLC provides swimming pool construction services to residents of Metro Phoenix, Valleywide, and the surrounding areas. If building a swimming pool is on your New Year’s Resolutions list, we’re the team that can help you bring that dream to life. Swimming pool construction provides home and business owners with nearly limitless options. Our team has designed, built, and remodeled pools throughout the area. We offer premier outdoor pool installation to have the pool of your dreams. We’ll build it to bring out the best features of your space.

Customize Your Pool from Start to Finish

We’re dedicated to creating the perfect pool for your needs. From the beginning, we’ll work closely with you on the design, ensuring the inspiration comes from you. Our designers will create the structure, and our builders will bring it to life. We cater to your personal preferences as well as the needs of your home. We do this to ensure customer satisfaction and the perfect pool that you’ll be able to love and enjoy for the years to come. Some of the customized pool design services we offer include:

  • Swimming pools
  • Commercial pools
  • Saltwater pools
  • Pool and spa combos
  • Play pools
  • Diving pools
  • Lap pools
  • Wading pools

We Design & Build Residential & Commercial Pools

The installation of a pool—residential or commercial—is best done by professionals. Whether you’re an Arizona home or business owner, if you’re looking to build a swimming pool from the ground up, you’ve come to the right place. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your pool is built with top-quality products. Regardless of your budget, we will do everything we can to ensure your pool is just as beautiful and unique as your home or business. We’ll make you a one-of-a-kind pool.

Our Pool Building Process

The swimming pool installation process at LandPros Landscape Management LLC starts with an initial meeting and ends with landscaping installation and a final follow-up. Below, we’ve detailed our eight-step pool-building process from start to finish:

  1. Initial Meeting – This introductory meeting will include your initial consultation, 3D rendering and visualization for the backyard, and a draft of the conduction contract following approval.
  2. Planning – During this part of the process, you’ll select the materials you’d like us to build with, and we’ll show you computer-aided design mock-ups. Additionally, we will do permit submittals.
  3. Construction Preparation – This part of the pool building process includes the Blue stake layout, pre-grade if applicable, and the layout itself.
  4. Excavation – This is where the digging happens.
  1. Plumbing & Wiring – All the plumbing takes place in this step, including gas plumbing. The electrical wiring is also installed during this time, and the first inspection is performed.
  2. Framework Installation – During this step, you can expect shotcrete installation, cleaning, grading, waterline tiling, masonry, hardscaping, decking, structure installation, interior clean-up, fencing and barriers installation, infloor collar installation, and the final inspection.
  3. Interior Finishing – We will install the interior finish and pebble sheen before polishing and acid-washing it.
  4. Finalization – This step includes any needed landscaping installation and the final follow-up.

Contact Us Today for Pool Building Services

In addition to pool building, we offer a wide range of additional services, including building and installing pool decks. New pool construction is one of our specialties, and we want nothing more than to help you design the pool of your dreams. Our team has more than 30 years of combined landscaping design experience, and there’s nothing we haven’t done. Our landscape and design company brings you quality work using quality materials. We also offer financing options so you can make your dream lawn a reality. To learn more about our pool-building services or to schedule a free consultation with a member of our professional team, contact our team today.