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Full Service Landscape Concepts & Designs
Residential & Commercial

Artificial Turf Services for Your Arizona Property

LandPros Landscape Management LLC specializes in installing synthetic grass lawns for home and business owners throughout Metro Phoenix, Valleywide, and the surrounding areas, including Tucson, Gilbert, Santen Valley, Florence, Queen Creek, Chandlers, and more. If you’re having a new home or business built or are looking for a new option for your outdoor space, we suggest considering synthetic grass. The Valley of the Sun presents unique challenges for homes and commercial properties regarding their lawns. Natural grass can be challenging to maintain, but you may not like the look of rocks. Learn about synthetic grass’s benefits and contact us for an estimate for synthetic grass installation.

Professional Artificial Turf Cleaning Valleywide

Our Services Include:


We will assess your situation and take the time needed to make sure your artificial grass looks and smells brand new! It doesn’t matter what shape or condition your artificial grass is in, we will do our very best to make sure you and your family are satisfied. We will remove debris, pet stains, and odors, contaminants, pollen buildup from plants and so much more to help improve drainage.

Please call us to set up your free estimate today!

What is Synthetic Grass?

In addition to synthetic grass, the team at Landpros Landscape Concepts and Designs takes care of all types of lawns and landscaping projects.  With more than 30 years of combined landscaping experience, there’s no landscaping job that our team can’t handle. We provide quality work using quality materials for home and business owners.

Synthetic Grass Installation in Metro Phoenix and Valleywide

Our Artificial Grass Installation Process

As the local area’s go-to artificial grass installer, we understand that lawn installation services require expert precision. Our team at LandPros Landscape Management LLC has their highly tested artificial grass installation process down to a T. Our artificial grass installation process is as follows:

  1. Measure the area
  2. Clear the area
  3. Grade the lawn
  4. Lay down weed barrier
  5. Install the artificial turf

We Offer Customized Artificial Turf Installation

Not only are our services professional, but they’re also customizable. Artificial grass can be installed in various configurations so that you can match it to your property. Our customizable artificial turf installation process helps maintain the integrity of your home while enhancing it with a brand-new lawn that is designed to your precise specifications. Whether you want green grass that will never lose its color, or you only want grass in one particular area of your lawn, we’ve got you covered.

The Benefits of Synthetic Grass

Arizona home and business owners can reap various benefits from installing artificial turf. Whether you want to do your part for the environment or you’re a gardening perfectionist, a synthetic grass lawn will benefit you in more ways than one. Synthetic grass can benefit your pocketbook and lifestyle with all it offers. The benefits of synthetic grass include:

  • Water Conservation – More than half of water bills are dedicated to watering natural grass, and there are more water restrictions in place than ever before. Every square foot of synthetic grass you install can save up to 55 gallons of water.
  • Saving Time & Money – Installing synthetic grass can save you thousands of dollars over the years by not needing to water your grass, which frees up your time.
  • Year-Round Beauty – With synthetic grass, you don’t have to worry about brown patches or season changes requiring expensive treatments. Enjoy the beauty of your lawn year-round.
  • Low Maintenance – Put away your lawnmower and weed wacker. Synthetic grass only requires an occasional brush-up, water spray, or sanitary pick-up.
  • Reduced Pollen – Synthetic grass can reduce air pollution. You might be surprised to learn that 5% of our country’s pollution comes from lawn and gardening equipment. You can also reduce the over 65 million pounds of toxic fertilizers and lawn pesticides that pollute our environment.
  • Clean Grass All Year Long – Call us anytime to schedule the cleaning of your artificial grass. Over time, there can be areas that need cleaning or maintenance due to the weather or basic wear and tear. We want you to enjoy your artificial grass all year long.

Contact Us for Artificial Turf Installation

In addition to artificial grass installation, the LandPros Landscape Management LLC team takes care of all types of lawns and landscaping design projects. With more than 30 years of combined landscaping design experience, there’s no landscaping design job that our team can’t handle. We provide quality work using quality materials for home and business owners. Check out our comprehensive residential and commercial landscaping services, or contact our team today to schedule your free consultation.